8 Cleanliness Tips for Every Coworking Space Member

Chelle Peterson
8 Cleanliness Tips for Every Coworking Space Member Featured Image

The COVID-19 pandemic has made everyone hyper-aware of sanitation and cleanliness, whether at home, at work, or out in public. And this hyper-vigilance is especially important when working in a shared office environment.

As coworking space operators, we’re doing everything under the sun to ensure the safety of members.

But the concerted efforts of our members in taking their own sanitation and cleanliness measures are also going a long way in keeping our spaces open and safe for all to use.

8 Ways for Members to Help Keep Coworking Spaces Safe and Sanitary 

If you’re wondering what you can do as a coworking member to keep your shared workspace clean and safe, here are a few easy ideas.

1. Avoid Using Shared Plates, Glasses, and Mugs

If possible, consider avoiding shared plates, mugs, and glasses for the time being. Try to bring your own reusable plates and cutlery from home so that you can take them with you and wash them. You may also want to leave your own mug at the office and wash it by hand as required.

Doing this will reduce the traffic in kitchen areas and on high-touch appliances like refrigerators and dishwashers. 

This will also help reduce the volume of containers that have been handled by members and placed in the fridge. 

2. Wipe Down Every Shared Surface and Piece of Equipment You Use

Ensure you’re extra vigilant about wiping down any surfaces or equipment you use. This can include things like desktops, tables in the cafe area, taps, faucets, and door handles, as well as conference rooms, printers, scanners, and AV equipment. 

To be extra cautious, make sure to do this both before and after using them.

You can also add UV lighting to your personal workspace. They’re inexpensive but extremely effective in killing bacteria and viruses. 

3. Sanitize Your Most High-Touch Items

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Do your best to wipe down your most highly-utilized equipment more regularly than usual, such as your mouse, keyboard, cell phone, tablet, and even your keys.

Believe it or not, some studies have even shown that more than 3,000 micro-organisms are prevalent per square inch on a keyboard, and over 1,600 are prevalent per square inch on a computer mouse.

So, making sure that you’re frequently sanitizing these items with a sanitary wipe can go a long way in reducing the spread of germs, bacteria, and viruses. 

5. Clean Off Your Bags and Laptop Cases 

While they might not be the first things you think of when you consider sanitation, it’s wise to wipe down your bags, backpacks, and laptop cases with an antibacterial.


Your bags go with you virtually everywhere, like on your journey to and from work, and they’re often set down on the ground. 

So, try to give them a clean every few days and be mindful of where you’re putting them. Try to put them in places you know are clean, like on the back of your chair or on a hanger.

7. Keep Management Informed

While we try to stay on top of every aspect of our shared workspace, please don’t be shy to let management know if you see something that needs to be addressed.

This could include things like sand sanitizer stations running low, air purifiers are turned off (they should be running 24/7!), or if any part of the space seems like it could use extra sanitization.

8. Prioritize Personal Hygiene

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One of the most effective ways to reduce the spread of COVID-19 is to practice good personal hygiene. Luckily, this is an easy thing to stay on top of. Just wash and sanitize your hands regularly and make sure to cough and sneeze directly into your elbow.

If you’ve got any questions about what we’re doing to keep The Post safe and sanitary or about what you can do to help us ensure our shared workspace is safe for everyone to enjoy, please don’t hesitate to let us know. 

Want to learn more about The Post and what we’ve doing to keep members safe during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Our team is here to answer any questions you may have. Don’t hesitate to reach out.