7 Questions with Chelsea Lopex, Community Manager at The Post

Chelle Peterson
Chelsea Lopex, Community Manager at The Post

Chelsea Lopex joined The Post as our Community Manager back in May, and since then, she’s been a fundamental pillar in our professional community. Each day, she helps ensure The Post offers an unmatched experience for our members.

If you haven’t had a chance to meet Chelsea yet, we wanted to help you get to know her better. So, we chatted with Chelsea and asked her seven questions about herself.

Here’s what we learned. 

1. Where are you from originally?

I’m from all over but have lived in Tucson for many years.

2. How did you end up in Tucson?

I had family here in Tucson, so I came to finish high school here and never turned back. I met my husband, Charlie, in 2018, had our son in 2020, and got married in October 2022. So, now my roots here are pretty deep. 

3. Can you tell us a bit about your professional background?

For a long time, I was running a restaurant at the Ritz Carlton, but when COVID-19 came around, the company laid off 90,000 employees. 

From there, I did a short stint in behavioral health and then went to work in a veterinary clinic.

I learned a lot and tried to find a good fit, but ultimately, I knew I didn’t want to be doing what I was doing. Being in vet clinics, while definitely rewarding, meant always seeing people on their worst days.

So, I decided I needed to find something new. 

4. How did you come to work at The Post? 

I’ve always loved working in hospitality, and I knew I wanted to be in a role and an environment where that was the focus. 

One day, I saw Chelle’s posting for the Community Manager role at The Post. 

The space looked beautiful in the photos, and the way the job was described, it sounded like I would fit in and could truly grow into the role.

5. What’s been the most exciting challenge you’ve faced in your role?

My role is definitely very hospitality-focused, but it also came with some new things to figure out.

Getting up to speed with all of the technology was a learning curve. Running a restaurant, I was on my feet all day and talking to people, but never dealing with the technical aspects of the business. I’m learning, though! 

6. What’s the most rewarding part of being the Community Manager at The Post? 

The best thing about working here? The members.

I’ve loved getting to know them, seeing the same people every day, and getting to know people on a personal level. 

Honestly, just the general sense of feeling helpful has been super rewarding. Chelle has so much to take care of each day that it’s been really great being able to help with some of those tasks so that she can do what she does best.

Planning and hosting events is also right in my wheelhouse. It’s really fulfilling as a people person to be able to facilitate social interaction for people. 

I recently helped to organize a silent auction for a local non-profit, “Pink Ribbon Boudoir for Breast Cancer Survivors.” It was very successful, and I truly enjoyed it.

I thrive on that, so it’s nice to be back in a place where all of those things I love in a job are present. 

7. What would you like people to know about you? 

The biggest thing is that I’m very much somebody who loves getting to know people and helping people, so there’s never a wrong time to come up and talk to me. 

I’m also a planner. In the second half of 2022 alone, I planned a handful of member events, aided in the planning of the Pink Ribbon event, and planned and executed every detail of my own wedding, all while chasing around my 2 year old son, Noah. I’m pretty proud of that.  

If you’d like to meet Chelsea and join an incredible professional community, we invite you to book a tour of The Post. You’ll love it here!