Designer Tips for How to Personalize Your Office Space

Chelle Peterson
clean modern stylish desk with laptop, white mouse, and potted plant

Especially since the start of the pandemic, circumstances and workspaces are very different these days than they used to be. And, because of that, it’s becoming increasingly important to find ways to balance our productivity and comfort with professionalism in our workplaces. 

So, whether you’ve got a home office or private office away from home, taking steps to enhance the design of your workspace can make a big difference in the way you feel when you work in it and how your clients and employees perceive you and your business.

That’s why we spoke with Julia Date of Julia Date Design, who also consulted with us when we built The Post, to get her expert tips for simple ways to personalize your workspace. 

Here’s what she shared with us.

A Few Rules of Thumb

Photo by Tucson photographer Martha Lochert.

Whatever you’re going to add to your workspace, remember that you need to be a good editor in your ability to blend things and maintain certain quality standards.

Remember, your workspace is a reflection of your business and of yourself as a professional, so it needs to convey that through its decor and style. 

Anything you bring into your workspace should be clean, professional, and stylistically up-to-date.

The key is to keep your workspace minimalist so that it isn’t overwhelming or cluttered. From the list below, it’s smart to start with bigger things, like rugs, and then add tasteful, carefully-curated pieces that connect to them.

Your design is kind of like a big puzzle. And if all the pieces tie into each other, it’s going to work out well. 

Upgrade Your Lighting

Photo by Tucson photographer Martha Lochert.

Sometimes offices have cooler lighting, from a color spectrum perspective. But if you work better or look better in warm light or if you’re going to have people in your office, it’s been proven that a blend of lighting is better for productivity and comfort.

I’d recommend bringing in a lamp or two. Just remember to keep it in tune with the mood of the office you’re in. For example, if it’s very contemporary like The Post, focus on making sure your lights or lamps have clean lines. 

Another thing I’d say is that it’s really important to go out and buy a new lamp. Dragging one in from home isn’t ideal. It needs to be very clean and professional-looking.

You can think about a cool vintage or contemporary lamp or even an ornate one. But just make sure there are no holes in the shade, there’s no dust, and that nothing’s broken. You don’t want it to look junky. 

Great lighting really helps add to the feel of your office. And that’s why people go to an office is to have that change of pace from home.

Add an Area Rug 

Photo by Tucson photographer Martha Lochert. The Post Workspaces Tucson Arizona Coworking Space Office

When it comes to upgrading the style of your office, this can be a great place to start.

An area rug can be the perfect way to tie your workspace together, and it can really help warm up the space.

Beyond that, though, it can also be the anchor that ties the rest of your style choices together. You can use it as a starting point for colors and styles that you want to add to your space. 

You can either have it in your seating area or under your desk. Just make sure to always keep it clean and presentable looking. 

Incorporate Some Artwork

Photo by Tucson photographer Martha Lochert. The Post Workspaces Tucson Arizona Coworking Space Office

Tasteful artwork can be a great touch in an office space. But in addition to looking beautiful, artwork can also liven up your space as well. 

For example, at The Post, they’re so lucky to have natural light in all their workspaces. But if you don’t have outdoor light or a view from your office, it could be nice to add a landscape painting or an image of a beautiful outdoor scene. Doing so sort of opens up the room.

Just remember to make sure your artwork is workplace appropriate. This is especially important if you’re in a shared workspace because you need to be mindful that you’re not the only person who will be interacting with the artwork. But it’s equally important in any office environment because it will be seen by your clients and your employees. 

Liven Up Your Space with Plants 

Photo by Tucson photographer Martha Lochert.

If you’ve got natural light to work with, bring in a plant or two. They look good and they also offer some benefits you can take advantage of.

The same rules apply to plants as everything else on this list: keep it in tip-top shape and make sure it’s presentable. Personally, when it comes to plants, I’d rather you not have one at all than to have one with dead leaves. If your plants die, get rid of them immediately.

When it comes to picking the right plants, you might want to consider a tall standing plant by your window and a smaller one on your desk. 

Specifically, I’d recommend plants like Pothos plants or Boston Ferns which are very lush and green looking. I also really love Hoyas. They bloom and are very fragrant. But, with that being said, just remember that if you have fragrant plants in your workspace, make sure anyone who’s coming by isn’t too sensitive to it. 

Add a Few Accent Pieces 

Photo by Tucson photographer Martha Lochert. The Post Workspaces Tucson Arizona Coworking Space Office

If you’re looking for some additional accent pieces you can add into your workspace, you’ve got a few options to choose from.

For one, you can get some nice plant pots. You can also buy an office chair with a color that matches up with your aesthetic. 

Beyond that, you can bring in family and personal pictures, making sure they’re beautifully framed, neat, and tidy. If you have a bookshelf, have one shelf that’s dedicated to that, but try not to have a ton of pictures scattered all over your office as it can be distracting.

I’d also recommend having them all in the same color frame for consistency and to make sure they don’t look too busy. 

Consult a Designer 

One big misconception is that designers are expensive and you have to hire them exclusively for massive projects, but that’s not the case. Many designers will consult with you on an hourly basis, giving you their best insights and pointers, and even sharing products you might like.

As designers, because we work in many situations for many clients, we’re a wealth of information that can make great recommendations 

So, feel free to get in touch if you’d ever like some advice!

And if you’re in search of a modern, stylish, and thoughtfully-designed professional workspace, you’ll find it at The Post. Get in touch with us today to learn more.