Member Spotlight: London Richards and Patrick Murphy on Adaptability and Avoiding Complacency

Chelle Peterson
London Richards and Patrick Murphy

For London Richards and Patrick Murphy, Co-Founders of Better Faster Marketing, the ultimate goal has always been helping clients to open up new revenue streams and grow their businesses.

But recently, the duo identified an innovative new way to do so and undertook a massive pivot in their business as a result.

We sat down with London and Patrick to learn more about what they do, how they’re adapting and moving in an innovative new direction, and what advice they’d give to up-and-coming entrepreneurs. 

Can You Tell Us a Bit About What You Do?

working on website on a Mac

Simply stated, we go into the back end of our clients’ websites and we translate their copy into Spanish. We also assist our clients with video creation development and the creation of custom advertising and marketing content in Spanish.

How Did You Come to Be in This Niche? 

entrepreneur meeting

We’ve both been in marketing since 2006 but we only formally founded Better Faster Marketing early this year.

Since then, we realized something…

Spanish speakers are increasing in population in the U.S. every single year. In fact,  there are 41 million Spanish speakers in the country today and it’s estimated that, by 2050, we’ll be the largest Spanish-speaking country in the world.

Tucson itself is almost split evenly between people who only speak English and those who speak only Spanish or are bilingual. 

So, we saw an opportunity to help our clients tap into revenue streams that might have otherwise been unattainable because of the language barrier. We act as bilingual partners to help take their businesses to the next level by translating their existing content and creating new content that caters to the Spanish-speaking community.

While we’d already been doing marketing, we came to the realization that this niche was a great opportunity and that there was virtually nobody else doing it. 

Do You Have Any Big Future Plans for Your Business? 

new business strategy

Looking ahead, we have a few things planned for the next stage of the business.

First, we see a great opportunity to expand from working solely with English-primary businesses into working with Spanish-primary businesses to tap into the English-speaking community as well. 

We’re also building a directory of certified businesses that have upgraded their content to cater to the Spanish-speaking community. Those companies will receive our ESPANCERT certification. 

What Are the Most Rewarding Parts of Your Jobs?

working in coworking spaces

There’s nothing better than knowing that the sky’s the limit as an entrepreneur. 

When you work a nine-to-five, there’s always a cap. But when you work for yourself, you have endless options.

It’s also really rewarding to help create success for our clients and to help them open up new revenue streams and grow their businesses.

What Advice Would You Give to Up-and-Coming Entrepreneurs?

working on a startup

The absolute most important thing for every entrepreneur is to become a master salesperson. Learn to sell. Learn to close. If you can’t do that, you can’t get anything done. 

Don’t shy away from self-development and upgrading your skills. Sales is a very training-oriented process. We’ve both gone through years of training and continue to do so.

And yet one of the most common things you see with people in sales is that they start getting good at it, they think they’ve reached their apex, and then they become complacent. But that’s a mistake. You should always be trying to improve because a good salesperson can become a great one, and a great one can always get even better.

Invest your time and energy into learning then practice it in the real world.

Another thing is to find a good business partner. You need to work with someone you’d trust with your life. You’ve got to be on the same page if you want to succeed. 

How Did You Come to Work at The Post? 

The Post Workspaces

We were looking for a workspace for Better Faster Marketing and we actually saw an ad for The Post on Instagram and decided to check it out.

It looked amazing and within 48 hours we were all set up.

The environment is great. If ever there are any problems–and there rarely are–they’re quickly fixed. It’s a great place to work. 

Want to Open Up New Revenue Streams and Grow Your Business?

If you’re interested in learning more about how you can expand your business by going bilingual, get in touch with the Better Faster Marketing team by email or by texting “help” to 602-575-0904.

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If you’d like to learn more about the professional community at The Post, or to book a tour of our space, contact us today.