It’s no secret—we think Tucson is one of the greatest cities in the world. We love our city for its people, its scenery, its heart, and all the amazing things to do here.
But we also love Tucson for all of its quirks… you know, those things that are unique to just us Tucsonians. Being a Tucsonian myself for over 30 years, I know what those “quirks” are wholeheartedly.
So what are all those quirks?
Well, we asked our members here at The Post to share the telltale signs you’re from Tucson—here’s what they told us.
27 Signs You’re From Tucson
- Being let out of school for Rodeo Days
- Learning how to remove rattlesnakes from your yard
- Knowing what a non-cartoon roadrunner actually sounds like
- Hiking to take pictures of crested saguaros
- Correctly pronouncing “saguaro,” “Ina road,” “Tucson,” or surrounding tribal nations of Pascua Yaqui and Tohono O’odham
- Escaping to Mt. Lemmon when it gets too hot in the valley
- Eating the best Mexican food outside of Mexico itself
- Growing up attending desert bonfires
- Knowing what every different sound a coyote makes means
- Anticipating monsoon season like it’s a holiday, but also being very aware of flash floods
- Thinking 70 degrees is “chilly”
- Eating at Eegee’s like the staple it is
- Preparing for the population increase during “snowbird season” every year
- Shunning daylight savings time
- Thinking that sunsets anywhere other than home are underwhelming
- Forgetting how to drive every time it starts to rain
- Having to evaluate if it’s a puddle or just a heat wave on the pavement
- Knowing that some of the best food here comes from a truck
- Navigating potholes like a professional
- Using hot sauce on just about everything
- Biking everywhere instead of driving
- Trying to plan your days to beat the heat during the summer
- Treating parking in the shade like an Olympic sport
- Hiking regularly
- Never owning a “winter wardrobe”
- Finding any excuse to be outdoors, whether it’s for a hike, festival, or drink on the patio
- Trying every new craft brewery that pops up in the city
So, did we miss anything? Let us know and we’ll add it in!
If you’re looking for some more Tucson-specific information, we’d love to point you to our Best of Tucson series, our guide on how to give back in Tucson, or the best way to spend your day off in Tucson.
And, if you want to immerse yourself in Tucson’s most well-rounded professional community, look no further than The Post. Book a tour today to learn more about what we offer.