At The Post, we spend a lot of time talking to our members, getting their feedback and opinions, and finding ways to consistently and proactively make sure we create the best possible experience for them.
And one of the things we hear most often from our members is how much they like the vibe and energy within the space.
While the people and community who work at The Post are the most important component of that vibe, we also invested a ton of time and thought into intentionally creating the environment that our members enjoy.
So, we wanted to share a little bit about our strategic process for creating a full-sensory experience at The Post.
The Post Credo – It’s All About the Experience

We are not just the owners and operators of The Post, we are also Members and we love working at The Post because of the way it makes us feel. It’s all about the experience.
“The Post Credo“
“The Post Workspaces is a place where the genuine care, safety and comfort of our members and their guests is our highest mission.
We pledge to provide the finest personal service and facilities for our members who will always enjoy a warm, relaxed, yet professional atmosphere.
The Post Workspaces experience enlivens the senses, instills well-being, and fulfills even the unexpressed wishes and needs of our members”.
This is The Post experience.
Picking the Right Music

In a work environment, music is a tricky thing. You don’t want complete silence, necessarily, but you also can’t have intense music blaring.
We created a playlist with an energized vibe. It has a vibrancy to it.
We picked a mix between country, 70s, and 80s music, among other genres. Our criteria were pretty simple:
1. We didn’t want any screaming vocals
2. We wanted members and guests to say, “hey, I love that song!”
If you’d like to hear our playlist, you can check it out here.
Finding the Perfect Scent

Our sense of smell has been shown to be linked to different parts of our brain that control perceptions, memories, behaviors, and emotional and unconscious responses, which can, in turn, affect our work behavior, productivity, and mood.
That’s why we were very particular and thoughtful about the scent we use at The Post: it’s a closely-guarded secret! But one thing we’ll tell you is that it definitely helps wake up your senses.
Prioritizing Fresh Air
Fresh air is incredibly important for well-being and overall comfort. So, we incorporated a system in The Post that proactively circulates fresh air throughout the space over the course of the day.
Infusing Natural Light

We were obsessive when it came to infusing natural light into The Post. This even applies to the way we designed our offices: we kept blinds on either side but have asked our private office members to avoid blocking the glass on the interior of their spaces to allow natural light to flow through.
Choosing the Right Indoor Lighting
Natural light wasn’t the only consideration for The Post. We also wanted to prioritize ensuring the optimal light was used indoors as well.
We conducted extensive research into the optimal light colors, hues, and lumens for a workspace and incorporated lights throughout the space accordingly.
Selecting the Perfect Furnishings

When it comes to the furnishings in the space, we wanted the style to be modern, but it also had to be professional.
Most importantly, though, we wanted it to be homey—we wanted The Post to feel like your home away from home.
We also wanted to make sure it didn’t feel outdated or boring, so we included an eclectic mix of furnishings and decor.
We also wanted to provide things that most people likely don’t have at their home office, such as sit-stand desks.
Incorporating Plants and Greenery

We love the idea of bringing the outdoors inside at The Post. And to bring that feeling to life, we added lots of plants into the space.
We have vines outside the windows, plants indoors, and an outdoor patio with artificial green grass to create that outdoor feel.
Using Innovative Technology

The technology we use in The Post is among the details that we were most thoughtful about. It includes ensuring that we had the most upscale and innovative technology, software, equipment, and devices, on the market.
Providing Secure and Reliable Internet Access
Secure and reliable nternet access was one of our top priorities for providing the best member experience. So, as part of our network access amenity, all members have their own dedicated subnet VLAN network within our centralized network. This means that each member is assigned their own login username and password.
Think of it this way: your data and devices are never visible to any other user while using our network. Reliable ultra-fast internet is a priority and a must.
Additionally, we purposefully wanted to offer members and guests ultra-fast internet speed with fiber optic 1G as well as a backup—in case of any possible internet outage, cable broadband will still be available at 700MB.
Secure Door Access and Utilizing Security Surveillance
To ensure the safety and security of all members, their belongings, and the space in general, we’ve incorporated digital security door access and utilize surveillance cameras throughout the entire workspace.
As members ourselves, safety and security in the workspace is a necessity and an invaluable perk of The Post membership.
Creating The Post Workspaces’ Developer App
As a member or guest of The Post, you get access to our app, which allows you to book a meeting space on-demand or communicate with our staff or other members.
You can download our app from the Apple App Store or get the Android version.
Offering Fully-Appointed Meeting Rooms

Our meeting rooms were all custom-built to support productivity.
We offer Zoom meeting rooms and live meeting rooms that can be booked using iPads or using The Post Workspaces’ Flex Space Management app.
We also made sure to add wireless syncing and hard wiring capabilities on all of our meeting room audio and video devices as well as our 5K monitors.
Providing Spatial Diversity

There’s no one-size-fits-all formula for where and how people work best, so we wanted to provide a wide array of spatial diversity.
From private areas to open spaces, we wanted people to be able to find the place that was most comfortable for them to work in—whatever that might be at various times throughout the day.
Soundproofing Thoroughly

In order to minimize sound travel and noise pollution in the space, we applied a specialized paint to the ceiling that helps insulate the space and eliminate echo and reduce sound transfer.
When it came to creating the environment within The Post, we were very intentional about hitting all of the senses—and nothing makes us happier than hearing that our members love it.
Want to experience the “Vibe” at The Post Workspaces for yourself? We’d love to show you in person. Click here to book a tour today.