The Story of The Post: How Tucson’s Premiere Coworking Space Came to Be

Chelle Peterson
The Post Workspaces Tucson

It’s been an incredible journey since Dan and I started The Post. And it’s been amazing being able to embark on our own entrepreneurial journey alongside our members. 

So, I thought I’d take a moment to share a little bit about that journey and how The Post came to be.

How We Came to Be in the Coworking Business

We got into coworking in a serendipitous way.

Dan’s background is in commercial real estate. He was actually the listing broker for the building that The Post now resides in.

Back in 2017, he was trying to figure out how to make the space better in order to bring tenants into the building. 

At the same time, he was also working downtown in a shared workspace. That space, though, wasn’t serviced in any capacity. It was basically just a space that was shared by multiple professionals with a communal conference room.

But that space was quiet–too quiet for Dan. There was no camaraderie amongst members and no social interaction, which was something Dan felt was so important to have in his work life. 

And that’s how Dan found himself going down the rabbit hole of researching coworking as an industry and its viability as a business. 

Taking the First Steps Toward Building Flex Workspace

At the time that Dan was diving into his coworking research, I was finishing my degree and looking after a number of our rental properties.

But as Dan’s interest in pursuing flexible office space grew–and the realization that it could be the perfect way to bring tenants into the building became more clear–this idea quickly started materializing into reality. 

So, Dan pitched the building’s owners with the idea of incorporating coworking into the space and they gave him the green light.

And suddenly, we were off to the races. 

Building More Than Just a Business

What started as a business opportunity quickly became a labor of love and then grew into something much more.

Dan and I fell in love with the coworking industry–especially after attending our first Global Workspace Association conference in Austin, Texas–and all the amazing benefits that it offered for professionals just like ourselves. We also toured many different coworking spaces and were in awe!

We saw it as such an incredible opportunity to have a positive impact on people and businesses in our community. When looking at our space now, I truly believe we got it right. We wanted the space to be designed to offer a wow factor and to ensure every area of the workspace could be used. I sometimes have to pinch myself knowing that Dan and I created this place! 

And so we started working on designing the space. In fact, Dan did the entire architectural design of the space himself before taking it to an architect to finalize.

From there on out, the two of us oversaw the entire build-out. It was a ton of fun and a ton of work: it was a challenging space to work with so I have to give kudos to Dan for his vision on what it could become. 

Creating a Professional Community 

Once we were done building the space itself, our biggest priority was to build an incredible community within its walls.

And despite the COVID-19 pandemic and the wrench it threw into our plans, we were still able to build the foundation of that community–one that we’re proud to be expanding now as we finally open our coworking and dedicated desk memberships. 

From a personal perspective, we’ve gotten so much enjoyment and intrinsic reward out of building this space: I’m not shy to say that Dan and I are both introverts in many ways, so being surrounded by such incredible people has really helped us to build a great network of colleagues and friends. 

There’s nothing more incredible than seeing The Post filled with an amazing variety of professionals all working independently together. It gives us so much inspiration to get up and come to work every morning.

And our goal for The Post is to create an environment where everyone feels that same burst of inspiration each day.

We love watching all of our members growing their businesses. It’s a journey that we’ve been sharing with them even since the idea for The Post was just a figment of our imagination. 

Today, it’s become a place filled with a supportive community, camaraderie you can pick up on as soon as you walk through the door, and an unwavering sense of being welcome.

Like every entrepreneur and business out there, we’ve had our share of ups and downs in the past year and a half. But nothing makes us happier than having such incredible people at The Post everyday.

For those of you who are with us, thank you for being part of our community. And for anybody in the Tucson and Oro Valley areas who might be looking for that inspiration and camaraderie, I’d invite you to stop by and take a tour.

We’d love to have you work with us.

Want to learn more about how coworking and flexible office space can benefit your business? Get in touch today.