Woman standing on stage giving a presentation

The Future of Selling: 6 Steps to Craft a Compelling Sales Pitch in 2024 

Crafting a compelling sales pitch is key to landing customers and investors. Here are six steps to develop persuasive sales pitches today, combining tried-and-true methods with current tools and techniques.
Man holding a newspaper titled "Business"

Bootstrapping Your Business in 2024: Three Keys to Success

Bootstrapping your business in 2024 requires leveraging your network, AI, and workspace to find business success. Here are practical tips on how you can do it and build your dream business today.
ChatGPT homescreen

50 Effective ChatGPT Business Prompts to Bring Your Operations to the Next Level

ChatGPT is a powerful tool for any business owner. If you’re interested in learning how to leverage it to optimize your operations, check out these 50 effective ChatGPT business prompts.